
Announcing New Veeam Cloud Partnership with Server Cloud Canada

New Needs Are Prompting New Technology Investments

We at Server Cloud Canada are very happy to announce our extended partnership with Veeam.  A relationship built on success and synergies with our 100% geographically diverse cloud based infrastructure. With Veeam’s ‘Backup and Replication’ recovery platform, you will never have to update another agent or recover another virtual machine from scratch again!

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The First Step to The Cloud: Virtualization

The term virtualization might seem like a brand new and cutting-edge technology. But actually, virtualization has been around for more than a decade now. Though many organizations still do not realize the benefits it can offer, those who have already adopted the technology have grown to feel that it would be nearly impossible to work without it. For those in IT, server virtualization has been a game-changing technology. It provides efficiencies and capabilities that simply are not possible when the organization’s IT is tied to working only with physical servers. Whether virtualization is a new term for you, or something you’ve been considering for some time, it is important to understand the benefits—then you can decide if it is right for your firm.

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The Evolution of Disaster Recovery Planning

Today, more than ever, disaster recovery (DR) – also called ‘business continuity planning’ –  is a vital layer of protection for many organizations. However, a surprisingly large number of organizations do not have the proper plan in place to protect important I.T infrastructure, applications or software. In the past, the most common reasons cited by businesses for not protecting important data with disaster recovery services are because of cost, complexity and unreliability—making it unsuitable for all but the most mission-critical, enterprise applications. However, this is no longer the case.

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