
Canadian Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Start focusing on what makes sense. Leave expensive and costly infrastructure hosting and maintenance to us. Server Cloud Canada’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows organizations to migrate and host their existing data platforms privately, within Canada.

Server Cloud Canada owns and operates one of Canada’s largest distributed cloud based infrastructures, offering clients of all sizes and complexities a means of transitioning on premise equipment and platforms to a fully redundant secured national cloud based hosted environment. Our team of professional engineers are trained and experienced in information technology, data evolution, and infrastructure optimization.
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Getting SaaS-y With “In Country” Distributed Environments!

If you are a Software provider, you know that your underlying infrastructure will play a material role in your end user experience and differentiate your platform from that of your competitors.  Let’s face it, competition isn’t as traditional as it once was, virtual environments continue to change the landscape, offering efficiencies in both a capital and operational expenditures.  In a world of doing more with less, software as a service (SaaS) providers will be an industry tipping point.

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What Happens In The Cloud, Should Stay In The Cloud!

The recent cloud controversy is yet another hard example of the importance and reality of security and privacy issues associated with cloud computing. The larger public commodity clouds have been built around the models of over-subscription and resource sharing – all in the name of immediate introduction and uptake. Usually one gets what they pay for, what have we really given up for the low cost (at times free) services?

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Do You Have The Skills To Be Secure In The Cloud?

Cloud security isn’t hard or new. It’s really just traditional concepts and concerns applied to an ‘unseen’ and multi-tenant environment. For example: IT pros familiar with applying patches to a windows server in a back closet, are now, in the cloud model, applying those same patches via RDP.

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Into the Cloud, Go At It Alone or Partner For Success?

“If you build it they will come”. 

The old adage that was successful for Kevin Costner in ‘Field of Dreams’, may not necessarily be the best advice for IT organizations looking to break into cloud computing. Careful consideration must be given to leveraging pre-existing cloud infrastructure and creating a solid partnership with an existing infrastructure provider.

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