
New Privacy Laws for Healthcare in Ontario: What You Need To Know

As of January 1st 2018, numerous changes have been made to Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). If you are a health information custodian working in a hospital or medical office, it is important to understand how this new set of rules will affect your organization. One of the most critical changes requires health organizations to keep track of privacy and data  breaches. While the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario will be releasing tracking guidelines in March of 2019, custodians are expected to record breaches now. Here is what you need to know to uphold your reputation and ensure your patient information remains secure.

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Private Cloud vs Public Cloud: Which One To Choose?

When you make the decision to move your business to the cloud, you’ll need to decide what type of cloud model is the right fit for your business — public, private, or a hybrid model that blends advantages of both. Public clouds have exploded in recent years, but there is a robust market for private clouds as well. Explore how public and private clouds come down on top issues to make the right call for your business.

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Holding the Canadian Healthcare Sector for Ransom – An Eye on Cybersecurity

Healthcare organizations must modernize their cybersecurity systems or risk falling behind the times compared to other industries that have made significant investments in safeguarding their IT assets. Reports have predicted that the healthcare sector will face more cyberattacks than any other industry, as hackers exploit system weaknesses. Find out need-to-know information regarding healthcare cybersecurity and get the wake-up call you need to protect your healthcare organization.
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Evolving to a Hybrid IT Model

The pace of change in technology, from cloud computing to social media, has raised the profile of — and demands on — the CIO role in many organizations. IT is now a crucial player in the process of implementing and delivering on a company’s business strategy. Meanwhile, CIOs have their hands full as they work to stay in step with ever advancing technologies and best practices. Companies evolving from a “traditional” in-house IT infrastructure to a hybrid model call for CIOs that are open to change and that take an active role in shaping business strategy.

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Canadian Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Start focusing on what makes sense. Leave expensive and costly infrastructure hosting and maintenance to us. Server Cloud Canada’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows organizations to migrate and host their existing data platforms privately, within Canada.

Server Cloud Canada owns and operates one of Canada’s largest distributed cloud based infrastructures, offering clients of all sizes and complexities a means of transitioning on premise equipment and platforms to a fully redundant secured national cloud based hosted environment. Our team of professional engineers are trained and experienced in information technology, data evolution, and infrastructure optimization.
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